Tuesday 30 October 2012

Best and worst times to post on Facebook

According to these figures the best time to post on Facebook to get the most reads is at 10pm on a Saturday night and the worst is at 4am on a Tuesday morning.

Sunday 28 October 2012

A visit to Bishops Park: Film location from The Omen

After to watching The Omen, my boyfriend and I decided to visit the park where priest 'Father Brennan' gets impaled by a lightening conductor on top of a church. As it's the weekend before Halloween it seemed like a fitting time to go.

The park is about a 5 minute walk from Putney Bridge tube station, it's tree-lined path runs alongside the Thames. This is where Robert Thorn (played by Gregory Peck) meets Father Brennan...

Robert Thorn and Father Brennan meet
Where Robert Thorn and Father Brennan meet by the Thames

In the park is All Saints Church, this is where Father Brennan famously gets impaled by a lightening conductor. Luckily there was no lightening whilst we were there - but I did get a bit scared when the wind picked up.
Where the priest is impaled
All Saints Church, Fulham

Friday 19 October 2012

Unlock the 007 in you. You have 70 seconds!

This ad by Coke Zero is a really creative way of promoting the new Skyfall film.

Thursday 11 October 2012

EBay unveils new logo

EBay's logo and site have undergone a makeover to reflect it's new style of business model. The site has realised the proportion of customers who are now browsing using smart phones and tablets and have changed the site to suit their needs. EBay's website says:

"We’re delivering a cleaner, contemporary look and feel; a more intuitive, convenient way to browse, decide and buy – both globally and locally; and a new personal way to curate your own shopping experience and discover items perfect for you."

The new logo has already attracted criticism. Many saying they don't like it and one blogger claiming that it hurts your eyes. I personally don't like it, but nobody likes change - I'm sure as with everything else that changes on the internet we will all shut up about it in a matter of weeks. 

Tuesday 9 October 2012

10 Downing Street: 636,508 talking about this

I recently came across a page on Facebook for '10 Downing Street.' I'm not sure if this page is official but it certainly has a social media presence with over 23,000 likes and 636,508 people talking about it when this blog was published.

We all know Britain has a culture for actively slagging off politicians, when you mix this with the anonymity of Facebook you get an interesting result. Scanning through the comments and discussions on this page, it is clear that there is not a positive word to be said about the UK government (surprised? I didn't think so).

Whether this page is official or not, it's certainly not doing any good for the government's reputation. Given the popularity of this page, it might be an idea for the government to take a more active role in social media. The government could encourage positive debate and opinions from young people who are taking an interest in politics. If 10 Downing Street employed somebody to manage the page and give a response to some of the negative comments people would feel like they were being listened to and the page would not be left to become a forum of hatred against the Conservatives.

Just type 10 Downing Street into your Facebook search bar if you want to see some of the comments.