Monday, 17 October 2011

Has climate change left British birds on the brink of extinction?

Here is my first ever press release. Taken from a rather boring article about a bird survey, I've sexed it up a bit to make it a more exciting story to cover...

PRESS RELEASE                 

Has climate change left British birds on the brink of extinction?

A huge new survey is being carried out by the British Trust for Ornithology to see how the UK’s birds are coping with the damaging changes to our climate and their habitats. Willow Tits and Hawfinch may have even become completely extinct in some areas of Britain. Some birds have even been spreading further north as a result of climate change.
An army of 50,000 strong are set to take part in largest ever survey in Britain, equipped with binoculars and notebooks ready to check on over 250 different species, over half of which are already of conservational concern, 40 of these may have even become extinct already.
“Our aim is to cover every ten-kilometre square in the UK” says Pauline Simpson from the British Trust for Ornithology.
The BTO want to get everyone involved in the historic event, even beginners can join in by reporting on the birds that visit their gardens. The study will provide a barometer of how the natural world is coping with pressures from climate and habitat changes.

Date: Friday 14th October 2011
Contact: J / 07987654321 /

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